State Representative - Ellen Troxclair Brave enough to take a stand for what is right! Below is Ellen's Facebook page post from 2-12-25
ACTION ALERT! Will you help us protect the Hill Country by sending an email to LCRA in opposition to a new rock-crushing facility in Burnet County? Here’s why: A company recently purchased hundreds of acres and announced their plans for a quarry and rock crushing facility near Camp Longhorn, residents, & parks. Camp Longhorn has open air cabins and the dust and noise that this facility will bring will put campers’ health at risk. Additionally, it is near Longhorn Caverns State Park and Inks Lake, which will both be negatively impacted. You can read more here: While we have secured a public meeting, thousands more comments are needed to increase odds that LCRA will do further hydrological and geological studies before the project can proceed. To help protect Burnet, please: • Email [email protected] and reference LCRA PERMIT #2024-5606. • Note that you OPPOSE this application and that you request hydrological and geological studies before the permit is approved! If you would like to sign up to receive future updates, please copy and paste this link into your browser: Thank you for your help in protecting Texans!
Asphalt Inc. has applied for a permit from LCRA. See below:
This Proposed Rock Quarry will be using an enormous amount of ground water and will further strain all the local wells... Many of which have already gone dry. The the contaminated water runoff will effect all of the highland lakes and Texas Hill country. Don't delay, submit your comments / protests TODAY! Please make sure to include your request for a Public Meeting.